Consumer – Jacana Warranty Extended Warranty Electronics, Device Protection Plan Mon, 09 May 2022 09:11:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Five reasons you might want consumer coverage for electronic devices Tue, 28 Apr 2020 19:12:49 +0000 Five reasons you might want consumer coverage for electronic devices

The phrase consumer coverage might sound like jargon, but it has a very practical and important purpose when it comes to having peace of mind about your electronic devices.

Most often, consumer coverage for devices such as smartphones, wireless TVs, tablets and others comes in the form of a warranty. To be clear, not all consumer coverage is as good as it sounds. There are plenty of examples of big-box stores charging you twenty to forty dollars extra for a policy that probably isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on.

Yet there are other warranty plans you can trust, including Jacana Warranty. Our consumer coverage policies are different because they actually mean something beyond adding extra cost onto your already-expensive devices. In fact, our prices are low and our claims are hassle-free.

Why a consumer coverage plan makes sense

There are at least five fundamental reasons you might want to purchase a consumer coverage plan for one or more of your electronics devices.

Reason #1: You are prone to accidents. Few of us want to admit we drop, lose, run over, submerge or otherwise destroy our electronics devices. Yet in reality, there are more of us out there than we care to admit. Accidents are no fun for several reasons. First, they ruin the devices we rely on to make phone calls, respond to emails, communicate with family and friends on social media, maintain business relationships and enjoy a few minutes of mindless entertainment, among others. Second, they throw off our calendars because they force us to pay our mobile provider a visit to get a new phone and endure the nightmare of replacing our device. With a reliable consumer coverage plan, that process becomes much easier and far less taxing.

Reason #2: You like to save money. We believe you won’t find a lower-priced or more reliable warranty than our own. In the event a device breaks, extra expenses seem inevitable. Yet with a consumer coverage plan, any costs you would ordinarily incur will be substantially reduced because of the protection you have in place. This doesn’t only apply to you, either. Whether your spouse, children or family members on a common smartphone or other technology plan need a warranty, we can provide you with the resources you need to have peace of mind about the people closest to you. We’re pleased to say our warranty plans aren’t subject to commission markups by retailers.

Reason #3: You like convenience. Engaging with our warranties is as simple as downloading an app from the Apple or Google Play stores, depending on the device you use. We believe in streamlining customer service because it’s what we appreciate when we interact with other businesses. We like to know the person on the other end of the phone (or app) actually cares about our plight and is willing to go the extra mile to make sure our device is up and running again in no time at all, with as little money paid out of pocket as possible.

Service warranties are easily managed using our app. After downloading the app, you can shop for warranties as well as manage the warranty itself. It’s perfect for online shoppers, particularly younger buyers who enjoy making purchases on a smartphone instead of taking the time to fire up a desktop or a laptop. Buying a warranty through Jacana Warranty provides added peace of mind that purchase will be a beneficial one, not a headache.

Reason #4: You realize technology can be fickle. Sometimes devices break entirely on their own, without the intervention of bumbling humans. That’s why we offer product breakdown coverage, which we consider a benefit to consumers everywhere. This coverage essentially extends that of the manufacturer, meaning you reduce your risk with as little cost to you as possible.

Reason #5: You use technology all the time. Our warranties are for people who relish purchasing and using new technology in all aspects of life. If you have multiple devices, it might mean more protection is important to ensure consistency of service and usability. We provide coverage plans for smartphones, home theater systems and TVs, computers including laptops, tablets and desktops, as well as sports equipment, appliances and home and garden gear.

Whatever your needs might be, Jacana Warranty is capable of delivering an outstanding financial product that protects you and your devices when and where you need it.
